Neem powder as contraceptive for dogs

by Kishan

I am an ardent dog lover and take care of close to 10 stray dogs near my house. A couple of my dogs are mating at the moment and they are just 10 months old and I don't want them to get pregnant as that might increase the toll to 20 and my neighbours are completely fed up fo them. Will neem capsule powder be effective in preventing dogs from littering pups?Will it act as an effective contraceptive?

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Neem is not a reliable contraceptive
by: Birgit

Hi Kishan,

Neem, if taken regularly and in large enough amounts, may interfere with conception but it is not a reliable means of preventing pregnancy. Not in humans and not in dogs.

(And nobody knows what exactly would be "a large enough" amount.)

Please see the page about neem and pregnancy for more information. That is all that is known so far.

Spay and Neuter
by: Anonymous

Find a low cost or free spay/neuter clinic near you. If you are truly an ardent dog lover, stop the overpopulation. If you can afford enough NEEM for that many animals, then you may be able to afford these responsible measures. Or ask those same neighbors for donations. :)

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