Does neem oil control chinch bugs in yard?

by Ellen Clark
(Houston, Texas)

We live in Houston, TX. Every summer we have an infestation of chinch bugs and have always used a pesticide. My husband uses Neem Oil on his tomato plants and other vegetables and has great success. Since a Chinch bug is a "chewing " insect would Neem Oil solve our problem?

Also could you help me with the ratio on how much Neem oil to mix for a six gallon sprayer bottle connected to a garden hose.
Ellen Clark

Comments for Does neem oil control chinch bugs in yard?

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Neem oil dilution, chinch bugs
by: Birgit

Hi Ellen,
Yes, neem oil will control chinch bugs.
Here are instruction for making neem insect spray.

Neem oil should be sprayed as as a 0.5% to 2% solution, that's 5 to 20 ml to a litre.
An 0.5 % solution requires 5 ml to 1 L, or a teaspoon to a quart. (4 teaspoons to a gallon, 4 oz to 6 gallons)
To make a stronger solution, multiply as required.

League City Tx
by: AJ

That's awesome that this is one of the first articles that comes up as I live in League City Tx. just south of Houston and have an organic fertilizing business. Hippie with a Haircut Fertilizing!
I already knew this but as problems persist it's good to get some conformation.

Neem oil combined with Dawn?
by: 210howard

I know A.J. is a Dawn proponent for chinch bugs. Since they are hard to kill, would a combination of Dawn and neem or mineral oil work a little better? Wanted to get your thoughts.

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