Neem Oil - A Miracle Cure
by Maria Paterson
(Exeter England)
About 6-7 years ago I had a strange itchy red rash develop on my knee and I thought it was Ring Worm. The Doctor's treated me for Ring Worm but the cream made no difference at all, and the rash started to get bigger.
I was sent to my local hospital for further tests at the Dermatology Unit, where it was discovered I had a rare skin disease called Granuloma Anulari, which has no known cause or cure. I was given a steroid cream to help alleviate the redness and itching, but this only aggravated the symptoms.
Two years ago I was in Goa and visited a spice plantation where I bought a small bottle of Neem Oil for a friend who suffers with bad Eczema, but I never got to give him the Oil, so it sat in my kitchen for over a year!
Recently I thought I would try the Neem Oil on the Granuloma which had re-appeared on my knee again after three years of being abscent, and to my very pleasant surprise, the symptoms calmed down within 24 hours of the first application! I now apply the oil to the rash daily and it has all but dissapeared, taking away the redness and the itching!
I am truly amazed at how quickly the Neem Oil took effect and would highly recommend it to anyone suffering with a skin condition! I am going to also tell my GP that they should be advising any of their patients to go and buy Neem Oil instead of applying a steroid cream which doesn't even work and probably costs the NHS a lot of money!
Maria, UK