Neem oil dilution rates.

by David Bowen
(Glos U.K.)

I want to use neem oil as a pesticide and acaricide as I grow orchids and am plagued with red spider mite as well as other beasties. I have grandchildren some have mild acne, and I myself get an itchy scalp sometimes.

You don't give any dilution rates and how to use the neem oil. I have bought some cold pressed 100% neem oil but the supplier doesn't tell one how to use it, because I believe neem oil can't be sold as a pesticide, it would have to be licensed. I hope you will be able to give me some ideas. I look forward to hearing from you.
Regards David.

Comments for Neem oil dilution rates.

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Neem oil dilution rates are already covered
by: Birgit

Hi David,

I give dilution rates as well as detailed instructions on how to make neem insect spray.

The section on neem and acne also has suggestions on how to use neem. (I would not necessarily recommend the use of neem oil here, rather neem soap and oil free neem products made with neem leaf extracts.)

And you find many more suggestions for the use of neem in the neem home remedies section. Neem oil dilution rates are covered.

Neem Soap
by: Anonymous

Hi David,

Why don't you buy neem based pesticide? Just mix with water and spray. It should be available in UK. Otherwise it is there in Indian Market with 1500, 3000 and 10,000 ppm.

Pure Neem Soap is going to help for acne and itchy-scalp.

I had case in USA, a young girl had a face covered with acne, she uses Pure Neem Soap and after 7 to 8 month it was cleared more than 70% and she was feeling better.

Very soon we are coming in the market with Pure Neem Soap, which is made with Neem Oil (more than 70% Neem Oil), Aloe Vera and other herbals. Very useful for all type of skin problems.

If interested, please be in contact. We will send you sample when it is ready.


Calation of neem oil
by: pankaj rastogi

If we use crude neem oil 2000 ppm, how much crude should be diluted in 100 liters water to make 300 ppm and 1500 ppm 3000 ppm 10000 ppm? It is my question. Please calculate and send it at, pank456789@rediffmail .com, and

Many thanks.

Azadirachtin Tech. dilution rate
by: Anonymous

Dear Sir,
I have neem oil of 100ppm 1000Kgs.
Azadiractin Technical 15%

I want to make 500 ppm

Please guide me how much Technical should be added to prepare 500ppm Neem Oil.

Dilution of neem oil
by: Nikunj Patel

Dear Sir,
How to dilute neem oil from 1000 ppm to 300 ppm?
Further more, please describe how to make 1500 ppm neem oil from neem seed kernel?

3000 ppm
by: Anonymous

Sir, how can we make cold pressed plain neem oil to 3000 ppm and 10000 ppm, please guide me.

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