Pure Neem Seed Crush

by MP Takalkar
(Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India)

Can I use pure neem seed crush (without extraction of oil from it) as soil conditioner/soil enricher/manure in Mosumbi/Dalimba/Sugercane and other various crops? Please give me detailed information.

Best Regards,
MP Takalkar

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Crushed neem seed as soil conditioner
by: Birgit

Dear MP Takalkar,

Yes, you can use crushed neem seed as you describe. There is no detailed information about this use that I could give you.

If you want more detail, all you could do is contact other growers in your area and ask them for their experiences and amounts of neem cake they use. Since raw seed contains all the oil still, you would use a lot less.

Crushed raw neem seed has been used in some small specific studies (for example to investigate the effect on earthworms), but there is no detailed information that I am aware of about large scale agricultural use across various crops.

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