Using neem powder during pregnancy

I was given a bottle of neem and yucca powder to rub on my dog to prevent fleas and ticks. The vet knew I was pregnant and said it was safe for me to use on my dog. I was supposed to rub it on my dog's fur from head to tail once a week. I put a little in my hand and decided, I should research this more before I use it.

After researching neem on the internet, I find some sites that say it is unsafe to use while pregnant. I know the skin absorbs stuff, but would my skin absorb that much from the application of it to harm the baby? I'm really scared now. I'm 4 months pregnant and don't want to hurt the baby.

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External use of neem during pregnancy
by: Birgit

Your vet is correct. There is no need for concern.

If you familiarise yourself with the studies done on neem and birth control/pregnancy you can see that any animals used in studies were either fed or injected large amounts of purified extracts over an extended period.

As I mentioned before, use of neem soap and toothpaste is very common in India. If that would have any effect on conception or pregnancy, India would not be the populous nation it is today.

If there was any concern about external use, neem soaps and lotions would carry a warning, just like neem capsules, neem tea or any other neem products intended for internal use do.

Do not use neem products INTERNALLY while pregnant or trying to conceive.
Current research and the experience from thousands of years of using neem indicate that there is absolutely no reason to be concerned about external use during pregnancy.


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