Taking neem capsules for contraception?

by Jessica

I have used neem oil for quite some time, with good results.
I wonder if there is a neem capsule that can be taken instead, as the oil tend to be more of a messy procedure and capsules would be more convenient.

Thank you!

Comments for Taking neem capsules for contraception?

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Using neem for contraception
by: Birgit

No, Jessica. The messy and smelly procedure you are using is the only way to use neem safely and hopefully somewhat effectively for this purpose.

Please see this reader question to see what happens when people take neem capsules to prevent a pregnancy.

Birth control?
by: Catherine

Jessica, do you mean you use Neem oil for birth control? (contraception) Regards Catherine

Interested in Neem
by: Andria

Jessica, how do you go about using neem?

Curious as well
by: Anonymous

I'd like to know how you did it as well. I'm allergic to most condom and diaphraghm material and no way am I taking any birth control that messes with hormones.

Please help
by: Anonymous

How can I use neem oil as birth control?

How can I use neem oil has birth control. NEW
by: Anonybunmimous

How/procedures to use neem oil has birth control.
Also how can I make my own neem oil(DIY)

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